Call for Abstracts
The OCEANS 2025 Brest “Call for Abstracts” is now CLOSED.
We seek cutting-edge technical presentations with an emphasis on Marine Energy, Environmental Marine Engineering and a Digital Ocean for our conference in June 2025.
OCEANS 2025 Brest will be an in-person conference, and it is expected that each paper/poster will be presented by the main author or one of the co-authors.
Abstracts and full technical papers must fall under one of these topics and authors must specify which of the four categories of presentation listed below is preferred. Abstracts will be reviewed for suitability and lack of plagiarism, and the results of that review will be communicated to authors on (or before) 14th February 2025. Those that are accepted will be invited to submit a full paper or poster by 14th March 2025.
The Call for Papers is open to abstracts in the following categories:
- Regular Technical Program: Technical papers are the core of the OCEANS technical programme. An abstract is submitted, and if selected, you are required to write a paper per instructions for publication in IEEE Xplore.
- Student Poster Competition: Students may submit abstracts to the Student Poster Competition. If an abstract is chosen, the student will then submit a full paper and poster which will be presented during the conference in the student poster section of the exhibit hall. Following the conference, the paper will then be published in IEEE Xplore. This competition is open to any full-time student in an accredited programme. The student must be listed as the lead and corresponding author. Selected applicants, based on abstract reviews, will have travel and registration expenses subsidised. Those abstracts which are accepted into the regular technical programme, but are not selected for the SPC, will be invited to submit a paper presentation to a Technical Session in one of the regular conference tracks.
- Commercial Papers: A second type of paper may be submitted as part of the technical programme – the commercial paper. Commercial papers may only be submitted by conference exhibitors and if accepted, they will be presented in a designated track. They may include commercial content and will not be published as part of IEEE Xplore.
- General Poster Session: The General Poster session is open as a request option to all authors (student and non-student). During the submission process of technical papers, authors will have the option to request their preference: oral presentation or poster presentation of the paper. The final decision on how the paper will be presented will be made by the Technical Programme Committee based on author preference, reviewers’ feedback and other factors. Participants in the General Poster session are still required to upload a final paper PDF for publication in IEEE Xplore. Additionally, General Poster participants must prepare and print the poster according to the IEEE poster template. Authors participating in the poster session will present the poster on-site during a dedicated live session at the conference.
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
- All abstracts must be submitted in PDF format, and must be created by the author (co-authors are allowed).
- 500 word minimum; 1000 word maximum; 2 page maximum – inclusive of text, graphics, and references.
- Please include at the top of the abstract the name of the principal author, the institute or affiliation the paper represents, and the title of the paper.
- The originally-submitted abstract cannot be used as a substitute for the conference paper. Please note that abstract PDFs do not need to be converted through the IEEE Xplore PDF eXpress service.
- Authors of accepted papers are expected to prepare and submit the conference paper (4 to 10 pages) for conference proceedings at the conference (additional instructions will be given at that time).
Get Involved.
We encourage you to be creative in your participation. Please contact us with your proposals if you are considering one or more of the following activities:
- Organising a Technical Session or Track. Authors are invited to consider ‘championing’ a particular topic of interest to you and your colleagues, and coordinating multiple submissions into a Special Session or Track. Sessions are approximately 90 minutes, consisting of presentations of submitted, peer-reviewed abstracts (and submitted papers). However, you are welcome to work with the Technical Program Committee to have a format that might include longer featured talks, paper submissions (meeting same deadlines as regular technical programme) or shorter presentations with a panel discussion, and the option of no paper. Common sessions may be organized into an announced Technical Track with a sub-theme to reflect specialized topics. If you consider organising a special session, please fill in the Express of interest Special Session form and send it to . For other formats (e.g. Town Halls) please send email to .
- Organising a Tutorial. Acceptance of abstracts for pre-conference Tutorials, is now open.
- Organising a Workshop. Acceptance of abstracts for pre-conference Workshops will open soon.
- Organising a Technical Demonstration. Acceptance of abstracts for post-conference Technical Demonstrations, is now open.
Looking forward to receiving your abstracts and proposals.